I certify that I am a financial member of an International Etchells Class Fleet and
a financial member of a Yacht or Sailing Club affiliated with its National Authority
I agree to be bound by the current Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race and all other rules that govern the event and I acknowledge that Rule 4 – Decision to Race, places the sole responsibility for a crew deciding to participate in a race or to continue on the crew alone.
I declare and certify that our yacht complies with the Safety Equipment requirements of the Class Rules.
I understand that neither the Organising Authority and its officers, members and servants or other persons assisting with the conduct of this event accept any responsibility in respect of any injury or loss to person or property that may be sustained by reason of participation in the regatta or howsoever arising in connection with the event.
I agree to the use of my photograph(s) and other relevant information in any publicity and on the ongoing promotion of Australian yachting, the International Etchells Class Association and the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron.
I agree to the Organising Authority holding the above information for the general administration and well being of the sport of yachting, and for them to retain, use or disclose the information to affiliated organisations and any other persons or organisations that the Organising Authority believes will further the interests of the sport.
I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information.